Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finding a midwife, US stylee...

Well, I'm pleased to share that I think I may have found myself some high quality midwifery care, right here in Knoxville, TN. As I desperately searched for somewhere to have this little squirt that wasn't going to feel like I was checking into hospital for inevitable drugs, interventions and maybe even surgery, I came across a birthing center that meets all my needs and wants. Hallelujah.

Back in the UK, midwife centered care is pretty much the way it's done, with doctor based care only hopping in the picture if you're deemed high risk or have a significant prenatal complication that requires a pair of slightly more specialized eyes and steady, well practiced surgical hands. Here in the US, I have to say I've found this hard to come by. From the very beginning I felt a little snowed under with early, invasive scans and seemingly constant suggestions of lengthy prenatal testing, all of which wouldn't have even made it into my peripheral had I been preggers in the UK right now. I'm young, healthy, active and with no history of foul play (defects, miscarriages, syndromes etc.) in my family, I was a little confused why I was being advised to take every test in the book.

I've always been one for a more laid back, hands-off approach when it comes to medicine and since I'm pregnant (not, you know, sick) I'm relieved to have now found a team of care providers who seem to respect my stance for the most part (although the offer for all those fancy tests and numerous ultrasounds is still firmly on the table, should my be interest be peaked).


The practice I finally settled on is technically a birth center, attached to a full fledged hospital. So while I can attempt to (ha!) relax in the birthing pool with dim lights and floaty, distracting music, all the bells of whistles of a fully stocked hospital are waiting just around the corner (literally) for me, should the unfortunate need occur. Since this is my first, I have to say I feel much safer just knowing I have back-up down the hall.

Now if I can just keep them from convincing me to take the drugs, I should be all set...

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