Monday, July 22, 2013

The Delights of the First Trimester... nausea, fatigue and a standing appointment with the toilet!

For me the first few months of pregnancy were, well, typical I suppose. Part of me rather enjoyed living out a walking cliche of morning sickness, food aversions and crippling fatigue-induced 'pregnancy brain' (my work colleagues perhaps didn't appreciate that latter so much). After all, every niggle and discomfort ultimately indicated that the belly monster I was brewing was doing rather well, confidently making it's presence known and quite happily depleting me for it's own benefit (aren't children delightful?)

Yet, I found that more than the symptoms themselves, what became so bothersome for me was the time period that they were strung out across. It's not the hardest thing in the world to 'put up and shut up' with a front-facing visit to the toilet bowl each morning (and lunchtime and evening!)  when you know it's all in the name of a bundle of joy, but 13 weeks into the nonstop cycle of ickiness, staring down at the murky blue water did somewhat lose it's charm, and me my enthusiasm for submitting to the wills of my body for very much longer.

It's fair to say it wears you down, the constant (and alarming random and urgent!) waves of nausea, the strange tastes and smells, the aches. pains and bizarre sensations that I'm still not sure could be classed as normal (what can in pregnancy?). No amount of steely determination for mama bear joy can overcome the fact that you might actually start to consider selling your first born in return for a full nights sleep, uninterrupted by a screaming bladder, stretching ligaments and heartburn that could floor a buffalo.

The remedies I personally turned to were simply the old faithfuls, the tried and tested of the incubation world: saltine crackers, Sprite, naps wherever I fell, an honest plea for sympathy at work and a husband with unbridled patience (oh yeah, and a decent take out menu or five... just saying, life saver). That being said there are some pretty neat products out there, ready and willing to aide any new mama in the making with getting through that tricky first trimester symptoms. For instance;

Three Lollies, 'Preggy Pops' - fantastic hard candies made from ginger that can help settle those sicky churns right down.

Earth Mama, 'Organic Morning Wellness Tea' - a delicious 'good for you' mama-to-be brew that includes ginger root and spearmint in it's recipe (both well known for helping keep the queezies away).

'Snoogie', Total Body Pillow - this thing is a freakin' dream. As it gets more and more inconvenient to lie on your back, front (or even roll from side to side - yes, seriously), you can pretty much count on a full body pillow to help you remain in dream land for as long as your bladder will allow. (That being said, I've survived a fair amount of time pinning a regular ol' pillow between my knees and under my bump, but this is a whole new level of 'ahhhhh').

Do you have any tips, tricks or product suggestions for increasing comfort and decreasing the suffering of the brave mama bear to be? Please feel free to share them in the comments below...!

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