Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bloody Good Books!: Review for 'The Resolution for Women'

'The Resolution for Women' by Priscilla Shirer

My husband bought this book for me way back when the movie 'Courageous' first came out, and admittedly it gathered dust for a while during a particularly busy flurry of life. He himself has the bloke's version, 'The Resolution for Men' and I know for a fact, he enjoyed getting stuck into it and sharing bits and pieces of wisdom with me along the way.

Written from a Christian/Scriptual stand point, for me this was a fascinating mixture of easy-read and emotionally provoking insight, which overall has given me food for thought each time I've picked it up.

In particular, the section focusing around being 'Purposely Feminine' spoke to me, especially as I take my first, somewhat shaky steps down the road to Motherhood (eek). What does it mean to really be a woman in today's world and which expectations are actually worth striving towards? There's a lot to be said about being a girl, we have strengths (and of course weaknesses) that no man could ever hope to match, but do we really embrace all that we are? Or are we too often trying to cover ourselves in the clothes of some myth society feeds us about what femininity and maternal power really is? I believe there's much more to us and our ability to management households, children, marriages, communities and WAY beyond, than is frequently expressed in other books, movies and TV shows nowadays. Time to reclaim, ladies. 'The Resolution for Women' really served as a jumping off point for me, a mirror through which I could reflect on where I was, where I hope to go and how I can make the journey there as nourishing and worthwhile as possible for myself and those around me.

Overall, I really found this book reassuring, empowering even, especially as I venture into a whole new realm of womanhood - as naturally as it comes to be a mother, we could all use a pat on the back and kick up the butt occasionally and this book is a great resource for both of those. It's good to be reminded what we're made of, what we can achieve and who's on our side willing us to do ourselves proud!

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