I am of course talking about the rather tedious sensations known as 'round ligament pain'. RLP is that rather odd sharp, jabby sort of feeling you get all around the lower belly, groin area and all up the sides of the belly as you begin to mercilessly expand. No one can say we're not obliging hosts, right ladies?
When it first began for me (around the 13 week mark) I remember quite confidently announcing that it wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. probably should have held off on the comments looking back, but hindsight is 20/20 and it's hard to really comprehend what your body has in store for you until you experience it first hand. As I round the bend of 25 weeks, I can now confirm that the type of discomfort this stretchy little miracle offers changes as quickly as your cravings do. Although it's a totally normal part of pregnancy, I'm not sure than any two pains are actually the same (which can be quite unnerving as a first timer, let me tell you).
From an unforgiving ache that made me wonder if I'd accidentally acquired a bad case of tummy troubles, to a strange and intense pressure on the lower half of my bump that prompted me to clench my thighs tightly together, should baby try to make an impromptu appearance. It's all been a bit of a 'one day at a time' experience really, and if I'd have succumbed to my panicky streak, my midwife would have been sick of the sound of my voice by now.
Sudden movements definitely weren't my friend during the peak of this particular discomfort (around the 21-24 week time frame for me) and I'm proud to say I've now perfected the 'rock to build momentum and rolllllll' maneuver to get out of bed - namely to avoid twisting too much and prompting the little buggers to start straining all over again. Enjoy sneezing, coughing and laughing whilst you can folks, you'll be avoiding it like the plague soon enough.
To be honest the best thing that helped me when I was struck with these odd and unpleasant sensations was a warm bath (not too hot now, don't fry baby bear!), a nice lie down and a yummy square or four of dark chocolate (purely medicinal you understand). Most of all just relaxing, accepting the weirdness and allowing it to pass - that may have become my pregnancy mantra now, you know...
Got any more tips or tricks for relieving these niggling pains? Share them in the comments below!
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